Some people on Employment & Support allowance are sqnctioned for up to 6 months if they don't or can't take part in work related activities deemed suitable by Job Centre staff or their appointed providers. ESA is paid to those unable to work due to disability or illness with those in the work related group, WRAG, assessed as able to take part in certain activities and deemed likely to return to work within 6 months In reality its anyone who does not score 15 points in any one section of the Work Capability Assessment, regardless of how many points they get above 15 over the whole assessment. These are still often significantly disabled people.
These activities can be anything that the worker decides is appropriate, it may be work schemes, education, training or anything else judged relevant to your situation. Your benefits can be sanctioned if you do not participate. In short people already too ill to work are punished if they do not do activities similar to those demanded of unemployed people. This on top of changes that mean that from earlier this year new ESA claimants in the WRAG now get the same amount of benefit as Jobseekers Allowance clainmants, a cut of £30 per week.
I have long thought that the Conservative Government saw those that can't work in the same light as those that won't. Certainly this appears to be proof that they view those with heath conditions as simply unemployed. Whilst in reality the effects of significant and/or longstanding medical conditions mean that finding and keeping work is a major challenge for many people if they are able to work at all. Forcing people to do activities they do not feel, or are not capable of, puts them at risk, both from the effects of the activity, and from the fear of what will happen if they do nor comply.
Many thousands have already died or been seriously harmed by Conservatives welfare policies, this regime also puts people at serious risk. The government must now be held accountable for its actions and failure to keep its pledge that those unable to work would be supported.
Note Those in the Support Group of ESA receive higher benefit payments and do not have to participate in work related activity.
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