Monday, 16 October 2017

We can't just get over it

Mental Health conditions are not a lifestyle choice, If people could 'just' do those things they would. And I ask why this attitude is acceptable, nobody would tell someone with a broken leg to just walk on it, the same respect should apply to those with mental health needs.

Cute disability pictures on social media harm.our rights

I hate the cute disabled kid pictures on social.medis asking for a share, happy birthday or whatever because apparently nobody will. They give the wrong impression of disability and are probably posted just to get a reaction. They damage the fight for acceptance and rights. As a disabled person I'm offended that anyone thinks it ok to show us as so different and in many cases pathetic that such images have to be paraded on facebook to get us 'accepted'. If thats acceptance and normality I don't want it.

Previously posted by me on facebook

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Disability rights myths, or what the Conservatives tell you

Myth Disability Living Allowance is self assessed by claimants with no checks.
Fact Decisionmakers decided all claims advised by healthcare workers. DMs chose whatever evidence they need to decide. This could be a report from a professional involved in the claimants care or a medical by a DWP appointed professional.

Myth Personal Independence Payment is targeted at those who need most help.
Fact Based on a points system it cherry picks the needs it includes. Changes in the rules mean many with significant needs, lose out because they don't have the right needs. Many get less help than under DLA.

Myths Relatively few claims for PIP are appealed.
Fact Appeals are  at record levels. Currently around two thirds of appeals succeed. This seriously  calls into question the claim decision making process.

Myth Disability and sickness benefits were changed to combat fraud.
Fact Fraud for these benefit is around 0.5 %. Much higher  for Housing Benefits and Working Tax Credit. DWP inflate stats often for benefit fraud by including official error. This idcwhere claimants gave the correct information and DWP paid the wrong amount.

Myth Disabled and elderly people get free social care.
Fact There are savings and income limits before any help with cost is given. Care needs are assessed and only eligible needs met. Means tests are carried out, most people contribute to the cost.

Myth Disabled people get free cars.
Fact People on the  higher rate mobility component of DLA/PIP or the forces equivelant can lease a car using their benefit. Its either the car or the money. Cars have advance payments that must be paid, and any adaptions must  be paid for.

Myth Disabled people don't pay rent or council tax.
Fact Housing Benefit/Local Housing Allowance rarely meets the full cost, and not everyone qualifies. Most people under 65 now have to pay some council Tax, if they get any help.

Myth Disability related equipment is free. Fact Whats on offer if you qualify is limited and there are long waits. Most people have to buy to get what meets their needs. We often pay luxury prices for essential items.

Myth DLA/PIP meets the extra costs of disability.
Fact It comes nowhere near for many. Transport a big cost for many, special clothing, footwear, prepared food if you can't cook, or special diets. Equipment that you can't have free, contributing to care. Meeting the cost of activities you have to have someone with you, LAs won't usually cover that, and more. The money runs out long before the list does.

Myth Disabled people have their bills paid. Fact Anything we owe, and its pretty much the same as anyone else plus disability costs comes out of our income. Benefits if we qualify, vary on circustances, most struggle to make ends meet.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Mental health and physical health both matter every day

Its World Mental Health Day, a day to raise awareness. It works but its not enough, those who don't have mental health needs need to be aware of mental health every day. It also needs to be viewed in exactly the way as physical health, there is no difference.

I have complex PTSD, alongside a physical disability. Nobody suggests  that me saying I can't take my wheelchair down steps is not a real need they accept that. I find attending medical appointments difficult because of my PTSD, to do so I need reasonable adjustments like seeing the same people or seeing them at certain places. Under the law I can ask for that in the same way as asking  for wheelchair access. Too often though its not seen in the same way. I am told more often than not I am simply making a choice, I could do it if I wanted to.

In the street I have been called crip, spaz, mental, loony, the first two relate to my physical disability, the others to my mental health. People have defended me and reacted against the former, the latter is seen as more acceptable.

In fact treating anyone with additional needs, no matter what they are, as if its just choice is not acceptable, nor is using discriminatory language. Anyone with a disability or health condition has the same rights under the Equality Act, no mstter what the nature or cause of their condition.

My wish is that starting today and continuing every day people treat those with physical and mental health needs with the same respect, and acceptance that they have exactly the same rights That will be real progress.

Monday, 2 October 2017

Rights and responsibility go together

If we want our rights respected we have to take responsibility, for our actions. If we want equality we have to take both sides of it. We have to accept we get treated the same way as everyone else for negative reasons too.

Campaigners who are fighting for rights must do so responsibly. If we campaign in a way that causes disturbance in a manner that puts us on the wrong side of the law we must face the personal conequences. We have rights, but there are ways to claim them. Using it as a badge of honour on social media isn't appropriate. Claiming you were targeted because you were disabled won't do you any favours when 'preferred' media states you were doing what you were charged with. Not only are there personal considerations but we have to ensure we don't harm the very cause we are fighting for.  Getting arrested and shouting about it is hardly going to boost your popularity with the public. They are likely to see you as trouble makers who don't deserve rights. Nor will it increase understanding for disabled people in general. It instead increases hate and distrust. You also just made the job of other campaigners harder, those of us who use other methods will also be seen as irresponsible troublemakers who scream  when held responsible.

Lack of responsibility hasn't ended there. Its planned that any legal costs will be met by crowd funding.  I won't be contributing qqif it is set up.  I wasn't responsible I won't share the punishment. The solution is simple if you can't do the time, (next time) don't do the crime.

I can hear those who say they did it for all  disabled people. No they chose to do it, for themselves, but they didn't do it in my name, their actions don't help me. Rather it harms the rights fight. They do not listen to me or many others, they select those they listen to. They did not act or speak for me, only I can do that.

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Not public property

Yesterday I met nosy person for the 2nd time in a month. Like last time she wanted to know if I was wating for a taxi, I was so she said it was ok with her. I asked why else I'd be waiting where they pick upvin the rain. She then asked if I was permanently disabled or just in the chair for now. Asked why it was her business. She then said I shouldn't be out alone. Seriously the same person same questions twice in a month.

Was whinging to someone abled bodied about it and got told its how people learn, you might have helped her. I'm all for raising awareness but eriously does that mean I'm obliged to answer nosey questions whenever they are asked? Do disabled people have no rights to privacy? I'm not public property!

I take my rights

As The British Survey of Social Attitudes shows more people think disabled people need more support I ask if they understand that we need not passive protection but our rights back? We don't need looking after but to be empowered.

The Government want disabled people to be full participants of society. I agree I want that too. I want to take an active part in society, to be able to choose to study or volunteer, if I want to. I want to have a social life, I want to be able to pay my bills without worrying. I want those who can work to be able to do so, not by force but by being given real choices that empower them I want disabled pople to able to choose where and how they live in the same way as anyone else does. I am not asking to be given these things as a favour, I'm claiming rights I have in law, the right everyone has to live life on their own terms. These are human rights and disabled people are human beings too.

To be able to use these rights disabled people need support and that has been stolen from us by The Government. Cuts that have taken our benefits have reduced our imcome so that many people can no longer make real financial choices. These changes are not because as the Govenment wants you to believe, we aren't as disabled as we claim, or so they can support those more in need. It is just because they can. Its not even because there isn't the money. The government find money to support the rich, we pay the price. It isn't possible to participate in society if keeping your home or buying food is a challenge you cannot meet. It costs more to live with a disability than to be  non disabled and the income aimed at meeting those needs often doesn't and many are being denied this at all under new rules. Cuts take away our rights.

Many disabled people need support to do daily activities, from the basic getting up and eating, to going out and being part of our community. The law says we have the right to this but the government have taken it away. The reality is that many have no support at all or so little they have to choose between eating and peeing. Without support we cannot have the lifestyle of choice other people we are denied that right.

Rights theft thats what the Government are doing. Whatever they say its nothing more or less. Its not targeting support, its not stopping fraud, disability benefit fraud is less than 1%, some other benefits are significantly higher. They are not tackling equality, giving us rights or helping us be part of society. Their actions do the exact opposite on all counts. They claim they want to support us, I don't want what passes for support on their terms, I don't even want to be given my rights that will have Tory conditions attached, not the same as rights in law. I want to be empowered to live as I choose. I take my rights, they are mine to take, not theirs to give.

Blog based on a conversation with Neil Crowther via Twitter.