Myth Disability Living Allowance is self assessed by claimants with no checks.
Fact Decisionmakers decided all claims advised by healthcare workers. DMs chose whatever evidence they need to decide. This could be a report from a professional involved in the claimants care or a medical by a DWP appointed professional.
Myth Personal Independence Payment is targeted at those who need most help.
Fact Based on a points system it cherry picks the needs it includes. Changes in the rules mean many with significant needs, lose out because they don't have the right needs. Many get less help than under DLA.
Myths Relatively few claims for PIP are appealed.
Fact Appeals are at record levels. Currently around two thirds of appeals succeed. This seriously calls into question the claim decision making process.
Myth Disability and sickness benefits were changed to combat fraud.
Fact Fraud for these benefit is around 0.5 %. Much higher for Housing Benefits and Working Tax Credit. DWP inflate stats often for benefit fraud by including official error. This idcwhere claimants gave the correct information and DWP paid the wrong amount.
Myth Disabled and elderly people get free social care.
Fact There are savings and income limits before any help with cost is given. Care needs are assessed and only eligible needs met. Means tests are carried out, most people contribute to the cost.
Myth Disabled people get free cars.
Fact People on the higher rate mobility component of DLA/PIP or the forces equivelant can lease a car using their benefit. Its either the car or the money. Cars have advance payments that must be paid, and any adaptions must be paid for.
Myth Disabled people don't pay rent or council tax.
Fact Housing Benefit/Local Housing Allowance rarely meets the full cost, and not everyone qualifies. Most people under 65 now have to pay some council Tax, if they get any help.
Myth Disability related equipment is free. Fact Whats on offer if you qualify is limited and there are long waits. Most people have to buy to get what meets their needs. We often pay luxury prices for essential items.
Myth DLA/PIP meets the extra costs of disability.
Fact It comes nowhere near for many. Transport a big cost for many, special clothing, footwear, prepared food if you can't cook, or special diets. Equipment that you can't have free, contributing to care. Meeting the cost of activities you have to have someone with you, LAs won't usually cover that, and more. The money runs out long before the list does.
Myth Disabled people have their bills paid. Fact Anything we owe, and its pretty much the same as anyone else plus disability costs comes out of our income. Benefits if we qualify, vary on circustances, most struggle to make ends meet.
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