Friday, 20 April 2018

Work programmme charities gagged by Government

Organisations that sign up to deliver the government Work and Health programme must agree not to.attack Esther McVey or the DWP. I expect that clause to be there its standard, but why would charities  sign up to such a scheme in the  first place? Organisations that undertake government contracts cannot be seen to disagree with policy. These organisations claim to support the rights of disabled people, those rights have been adversely affected by the very same policies. Its a very clear and 'dangerous' conflict of interests, which should not be allowed.

The Government won't care they want to silence those who speak out against them, and this is job done, in a way that they hope won't be noticed. The charities should know better, although I know in reality they won't care either, most don't work with us, but apparently 'for' us. They say what they like without listening to disabled people. This  scheme raises their profile, brings in funds and it meets their definition of helping people, though I don't agree with the definition.

These charities won't be able to effectively challenge any DWP policy or action. If they provide welfare advice that is mostly rendered useless, they are no longer umpartial, they are paid by the state. They can no longer claim to be supporting our rights because they are participating in work that harms those rights. They have also allowed themselves to be gagged, they have agreed to stay silent. They can no longer play any real part in stopping this government. They have betrayed the very people they supposedly support.

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